Get in touch with us
Do you have any questions, suggestions or need support? Whether by phone, e-mail or directly on site. We are here for you. You are also welcome to use our contact form.
Bernhard Stade
Opening hours
Mondays to Fridays:
08:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Contact form
Your contact persons
Michael Stade
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 0
Mail: michael.stade@stade-landmaschinen.de
Head of agricultural service
Georg Stade
Mobil: +49 170 7919182
Mail: georg.stade@stade-landmaschinen.de
Head of accounting
Christel Stade
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 207
Mail: christel.stade@stade-landmaschinen.de
Junior management (on parental leave)
Julia Stade
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 204
Mobil: +49 176 31197511
Mail: julia.stade@stade-landmaschinen.de
Junior management
Felix Stade
Mobil: +49 175 5796153
Mail: felix.stade@stade-landmaschinen.de
General administration
Silke Waltering
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 201
Mail: silke.waltering@stade-landmaschinen.de
General administration & marketing
Marcella Homann
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 202
Mail: marcella.homann@stade-landmaschinen.de
General administration
Katharina Kunz
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 203
Mail: katharina.kunz@stade-landmaschinen.de
Forestry & Garden Technology Sales Manager
Martin Kuhlmann
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 241
Mail: martin.kuhlmann@stade-landmaschinen.de
Forestry & garden technology workshop manager
Marius Kranemann
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 242
Mail: marius.kranemann@stade-landmaschinen.de
Forestry and garden technology deputy workshop manager
Niklas Reher
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 243
Sale of agricultural machinery
Mike Bielefeld
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 221
Mobil: +49 160 92506157
Mail: mike.bielefeld@stade-landmaschinen.de
Sale of agricultural machinery
Gerrit Möllers
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 222
Mobil: +49 160 93146487
Mail: gerrit.moellers@stade-landmaschinen.de
Agricultural machinery warehouse
Fabian Uckelmann
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 223
Mail: fabian.uckelmann@stade-landmaschinen.de
Agricultural machinery warehouse
Christian Bäumer
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 225
Mail: christian.baeumer@stade-landmaschinen.de
Agricultural machinery workshop manager
Tonius Potthoff
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 261
Mail: tonius.potthoff@stade-landmaschinen.de
Agricultural machinery workshop manager
Ludger Lückmann
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 262
Mail: ludger.lueckmann@stade-landmaschinen.de
Agricultural technician & Precision Farming
Christian Willmer
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 260
Mail: christian.willmer@stade-landmaschinen.de
Administration & Purchasing Mechanical Engineering
Rainer Wewer
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 282
Mail: rainer.wewer@stade-landmaschinen.de
Head of Construction & Work Preparation
Andre Isfort
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 283
Mail: andre.isfort@stade-landmaschinen.de
Construction & work preparation
Sven Schürhoff
Tel.: +49 2590 9137 284
Mail: sven.schürhoff@stade-landmaschinen.de
Head of workshop vehicle construction
Benedikt Nienhaus
Tel.: +492590 9137 285
Mobil: +49 171 1028327
Mail: benedikt.nienhaus@stade-landmaschinen.de
Head of workshop metal construction
Marcel Jasper
Tel.: +492590 9137 287
Mail: marcel.jasper@stade-landmaschinen.de
Head of final assembly
Johannes Gr. Hüls
Mobil: +49 151 19375464
Mail: johannes.grosse-huels@stade-landmaschinen.de
Service grinding plants
Thomas Puhe
Mobil: +49 151 52701261
Service grinding plants
Hendrik Borgmann
Mobil: +49 171 1484707